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A Good Search Engine:
Google --
To Quickly Search, type the following in your Address Bar'Your Search Keyword'

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Tech Stuff :
CodeGuru --
offers dedicated downloads for the IT professional developer. Features include visual c++, java, visual basic, vb, source code and more
Web Developer -- one of the world's top resources for daily news, how-to articles, tips and techniques, product reviews, and free downloads of special interest to Web developers, designers, programmers, and Webmasters.
AUTOCAD and CAD related.. --
The one stop shop on the web for the CAD Community with large listing of all CAD related information.
Laughter :
NetFunny --
Jokes..Jokes..and Jokes...makin You Feel light..Try this when are you are Free..
CyberCheeZe --
Come on in and start laughing! At over 3000 joke and humor files, you're bound to find something funny.Joke and humor files are updated twice daily, so you'll always find something new!


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